Weight Loss Team

Who is the best bariatric surgeon in Puerto Vallarta?

Oct 15, 2022 @ 11:50 AM — by Gerald Witt
Tagged with: Dr Parra Medical Tourism Weight Loss Surgery Mexico Weight Loss Surgery Puerto Vallarta Weight Loss Journey

When you are looking to have affordable weight loss surgery, typically most people think of Mexico as the best option for weight loss surgery due to the fact that they have better surgery pricing than in the United States or even Canada if you were a self-pay patient.   That said many people think of Tijuana and Puerto Vallarta for their weight loss surgeries.  Many patients don’t like the idea of going to Tijuana due to the substandard care the doctors provide, where in Tijuana a patient is just a number, and in a cattle call for their surgery, or even because of the dangers the border town has with regards to drug cartels, robberies and crime, or even the substandard hospitals many doctors use for surgery.  For that reason, many people choose to have surgery in Puerto Vallarta Mexico, a safe tourist destination, where the patient can fly directly into the city and be at their hotel or hospital within minutes of arriving.  The real question presented is who is the best bariatric surgeon in Puerto Vallarta?

While over the years there have been a few surgeons that fly in from Tijuana to operate on patients and then leave to go back to work during the week, there are just a handful of qualified surgeons that perform surgery in Puerto Vallarta on a regular basis.  Weight Loss Team, the bariatric surgery center at the CMQ Family of Hospitals has been performing surgeries in Puerto Vallarta for over the last 23 years and has helped thousands of patients change their lives.  


Dr. Jorge Arturo Parra is one of the most highly educated and qualified bariatric surgeons in Puerto Vallarta and he is the surgeon that is working with Weight Loss Team to ensure that the patients experience a positive life changing weight loss journey and transformation.

Why is Dr. Parra considered the best bariatric surgeon in Puerto Vallarta?  The main reason comes down to his education as well as his commitment to the patient’s overall care.  Dr. Parra studied medicine at the University Autonima in Tepic Nayarit.  He then went to Europe after working as assisting surgeon at Weight Loss Team and received his Fellowship or Master’s Degree in Advanced Endoscopic and Laparoscopic surgery which he has applied to bariatrics.  Dr. Parra is also certified by the Mexican Surgery Boards and has a Bariatric Specialization Diploma from the Pan-American University in Mexico City, making him one of the most highly qualified bariatric surgeons in Puerto Vallarta.   Dr. Parra has been performing bariatric surgery in Puerto Vallarta since 2015.   Dr. Parra has performed hundreds and hundreds of weight loss surgeries here in Puerto Vallarta and in conjunction with the standards set forth by the CMQ Family of Hospitals in Puerto Vallarta, the goal is to provide the best possible patient care while allowing the patient to begin their weight loss journey in one of the safest most highly accredited and modern facilities in Mexico.


When looking for a weight loss surgeon in Mexico it is important that they be Board Certified, and also available to you while you are in the country.  Dr. Parra makes himself available to all of his patients and makes sure they have excellent care until they leave Puerto Vallarta.  As a Board-Certified weight loss surgeon, Dr. Parra is also fluent in English and this will help prevent any language barrier issues that some patients may find when they travel across the border.

Some of the important things to consider when choosing your weight loss surgeon in Mexico are:

  1. What qualifications, level of studies and diplomas does the surgeon have
  2. What is the surgeons clinical experience and technique
  3. Does the surgeon speak English so there is no confusion with regards to care or aftercare
  4. Are you being given the choice of the actually surgery you need, is the surgeon evaluating your actual medical history
  5. Will the surgeon be there for you through your entire stay or will they leave and go work elsewhere
  6. Are there actually surgery limitations per day so that you are not stacked up and placed behind multiple patients so that the doctors can perform multiple surgeries in a small time frame window

These are all important factors, so that not only do you get the best surgeon, but you are not treated as a number or worse abandoned after you have surgery.  It has been known that in Tijuana if there is a complication were to occur, they just take you to the border and let the US doctors deal with the issues.  In Puerto Vallarta Dr. Parra will do everything in his power to make sure you get the standard and quality of care you deserve, and the patient will not be abandoned in any way.  If there are issues, Dr. Parra is present to fix them and this way the patient has the peace of mind knowing that their surgeon will be there for them.

It is easy to see from the surgery experience and education that Dr. Parra has and his 7 year history at Weight Loss Team in Puerto Vallarta Mexico,  along with his preop/postop care, bedside manner and factoring in everything else described above, that he is easily considered the best bariatric surgeon in Puerto Vallarta.

For more information or to schedule your surgery with Weight Loss Team and Dr. Parra

Weight Loss Team – Bariatric Surgery Center at the CMQ Riviera Nayarit Hospital

Website: www.weightlossteam.com/

Email: info@weightlossteam.com

Telephone: Toll free 1(800) 404-9064 or + 1(818) 949-6911