Weight Loss Team

What is the difference between Lap Band and Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Aug 14, 2020 @ 08:52 AM — by Juan Hidalgo
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When people who are overweight look to change their lives with a bariatric surgery, they usually have many questions such as, which will be the best surgery option for their needs, or what is the difference between Lap Band and Gastric Sleeve Surgery which are two of the most common weight loss surgeries available at this time.

Weight Loss Surgery is an effective tool to help you lose weight; however, it is very important that patients learn about the different kind of weight loss procedures, their benefits, risks and restrictions that are available today. While some aspects of Lap Band and Gastric Sleeve surgeries are similar, there are several differences that patients should learn about before making any decisions.

The Lap-Band, also well-known as the adjustable gastric band is a procedure that consists in placing an inflatable silicone band around the upper portion of the stomach, creating a small stomach pouch above the band and the rest of stomach remains intact below it, slowing down and limiting the food intake.  This is known as a restrictive procedure because in theory it restricts the amount of food the patient eats. This surgery does not involve cutting the stomach but obviously requires postoperative diet restrictions.  Lap Band Surgery is generally a weight loss procedure that has been successful for some patients. However, some other patients have suffered lots of complications and disadvantages or it was not what they expected. 

Lap-Band patients do not experience a decrease in hunger because their stomach remain the same and some of them experience issues after surgery such as vomiting or reflux when eating certain foods.  One other main problem with the lapband is it really puts too much control in the hands of the patient and if the patient really wants to eat, they can find a way to do so.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery usually is a better option for most patients over the lapband surgery. With the gastric sleeve surgery, the surgeon removes somewhere between 60 to 80% of the stomach creating a smaller sleeve shaped stomach. This procedure will reduce the amount of food the stomach can hold, but also triggers positive changes in gut hormones such as reducing appetitive and hunger and controlling blood sugar.  This surgery is also a restrictive surgery like the lapband in the sense that the amount of food the patient can eat is restricted. 

This gastric sleeve surgery only requires hospitalization for one or two days and patients have reported that they achieve an average of 60-90% excess weight loss with this surgery. Gastric Sleeve patients rarely have problems with food intolerance but can experience acid reflux post surgery.

The Lap-Band (adjustable laparoscopic gastric band) and The Gastric Sleeve (Sleeve Gastrectomy) are two great options available to seriously obese patients that need to have surgery as a solution to improve their health and their life in general. However, it is essential to consult a specialist to be guided and well informed.  Dr. Juan F. Hidalgo the leading bariatric surgeon at Weight Loss Team in Puerto Vallarta Mexico, feels that the gastric sleeve surgery has now surpassed the lapband surgery in both the number of surgeries performed but also overall success for the patient.  He strongly recommends that if a patient is considering the two surgeries, that they choose to have the gastric sleeve surgery as it will provide much better long term weight loss and success.


For more information regarding Clinics/ Hospitals and Weight Loss Options mentioned in this article:

Weight Loss Team – Bariatric Clinic of Dr. Juan F. Hidalgo

Website: www.weightlossteam.com/

Email: info@weightlossteam.com

Telephone: Toll free 1(800) 404-9064 or + 1(818) 949-6911