Weight Loss Team

What is a Revision Surgery for Weight Loss Surgery?

May 23, 2019 @ 05:12 PM — by Juan Hidalgo
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You have been probably asking yourself what is Revision Weight Loss Surgery? Could I have this surgery if I already had bariatric surgery before? Why did my previous surgery fail, was it me or my surgery?  What options do I have? Am I truly a candidate for revision surgery? 

The Revision Surgery for Weight Loss Surgery is an additional surgical procedure that can be performed on patients who have already undergone a form of Bariatric Surgery and have not successfully achieved significant weight loss results from the initial surgery or on those patients who failed to lose enough weight, regained weight or had medical complications. This kind of surgery will help kick start the patients' weight loss again and treat specific symptoms.  The idea is to kick start the metabolism again and help the patient lose the weight they have regained.

There are different factors that might contribute to weight regain. Normally one of the factors is doctor error where the first surgery just was not done right and the patient never had success from the beginning.  The other factor is patient error, where the patient just does not follow the doctor’s advice and ends up losing weight but regaining due to how they eat and live their life.  These two factors are what contribute to weight loss surgery failure and thus the need for a weight loss revision surgery. 

There are several weight loss surgery options, some of which may limit later options for revision weight loss surgery.

Gastric Bypass and Gastric Sleeve are both the gold standard of bariatric surgery and on average, patients lose about 60-80% of their excess weight after surgery. However, not everyone loses the same weight and some patients regain a significant amount of weight back generally due to difficulties with their lifestyles changes or the factors described above.

Types of Revision Surgery:

Gastric Bypass Revision is performed as a revision procedure for patients who have not been successful in meeting their weight loss goals after having previous Lapband, Gastric Sleeve or even a previous Gastric Bypass surgery.  The procedure is normally performed laparoscopically and it is a commonly chosen revision technique. The doctor will always first go in and review what is going on with the first surgery and find out where and what needs to be fixed, he will then either complete the bypass or correct the prior bypass surgery.  This typically is a great option for patients who need to lose weight that they have not lost or regained post-surgery.  However, it can carry risks just like your initial surgery, so it is very important to follow your surgeon’s orders exactly to succeed this time.

If your initial surgery was Gastric Bypass, the options that the doctor may have are:

+  a stapled reduction of the pouch, restricting the amount of food you can ingest

+  the surgeon can place a band around the stomach/pouch to restrict intake

+ to bypass even more of the intestines, so patients retrigger malabsorption.

Typically in revision surgery, the doctor will try to achieve the correct size pouch and retrigger malabsorption for utmost success.  Patients will typically lose about 60% slower but should have weight loss success if they follow their doctor's instructions and diet plan.

Gastric Sleeve Revision:

Gastric Sleeve Revision is performed as a revision surgery on patients who have had a prior Lapband procedure.  Here the doctor will try to remove the Lapbandand perform the gastric sleeve at the same time if the scar tissue after the Lapband removal permits.  If not, then the patient may have to return a few months after the Lapbandremoval to finish the sleeve surgery.  Some doctors’ offices will perform a re-sleeve or try to revise the gastric sleeve however unless the prior surgery was not done correctly usually this does not provide the expected results and usually is not recommended.  Typically if the patients have a sleeve, it is best to revise to gastric bypass surgery.  This surgery is ideal where the patient needs to lose 100 pounds or less.

Mini Gastric Bypass Revision:

Mini Gastric Bypass Revision can be performed on prior Lapband and Gastric Sleeve patients. Here the doctor will convert the prior surgery to a mini gastric bypass which is ideal if the patient still needs to lose between 100-150 pounds. 

Types of Revision based on what is your prior surgery:

Lapband Surgery may be revised to:

+ Mini Gastric Bypass

+ Gastric Bypass

+ Gastric Sleeve

 Gastric Sleeve Surgery may be revised to:

+ Mini Gastric Bypass

+ Gastric Bypass

Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery may be revised to:

+ Gastric Bypass

Gastric Bypass Surgery may be revised to:

+ Gastric Bypass Revision  

If you had previous Weight Loss Surgery, you might be a candidate for a weight loss revision surgery if you are having experienced complications or negative effects related to that surgery or if you regained weight by falling back into bad old eating habits, new life stresses, behavioral patterns, etc. It is important to consult your surgeon who will recommend the most suitable procedure according to your medical history and personal situation and will take into consideration the reason why Bariatric Revision Surgery is needed, and how to provide you with the best possible long-term outcome from the revision.

Weight gain few years after weight loss surgery is often the result of personnel changes. Weight loss surgery can be life-saving for obese people but not a cure. Its success will depend upon one’s ability to stick to a certain lifestyle and nutrition guidelines. This second chance will be the same. Revision Weight Loss Surgery is not magic! It requires a commitment to the recommended specific diet, an exercise plan and lifestyle good habits.


Of course, Weight Loss Team, and its staff of experts will be more than ready to guide you and help you through any Revision Weight Loss Surgery options you may need if you are not satisfied with your weight loss results. If you have any further doubts, please feel free to contact us.

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